AbundantlyTransitioning fromMoment to Movement...
Ago Movement
The Mording Ccals Initictvo MB i sparked the Sell to Spoon to Self-Relcres reverent, which has evolver in the ASC Movement, bo Optimization. Ta movamart involves the extraction of metalle metallic, andrutrient-cense minerals for the ground for use in agriculture, food pro dumior, and the marutsch.ring at over 55,000 plam adbyxaducts. With an unwavering commitment to eptiral health suetainabili, and we reiance, the ACC Homam kada the path to asperry
AGO Health
ACO Hadith seamlessly regrates organic sell conditioners, sustainab cag culture practices, and rub entrichrinerals te prerne holatic well-being re agazine the rterconnectedness at sal hath with humor, social, economie and ensinemmental well-being within the 9960 Movemen. We empower farmers.
manufactuwa workara and earumams to her was the harents of tele sell piecing who some foods. Join us at cur Prosperous events to shape a hesit A, wasinlarword through the transformatios po at nandam darauzta nance are renware vs.
AGO Farms
ACC Farmarocchina community plarring by integrating residential housh, n parks with plant-bered cries and ego alongside parks and me watlocal spans. Our Shared Edustan Program (EEP) SAA on ava ble giving generating reture or giving meet, investment, and equity (44 Cubed Through mano ap, appremisahips, and housing loan programs, we empower underserved populations to achieve sustainable werelis balance. Jaivus in dram planing a weather global saccesorry with plam hazed goods through the Mancing Goels (MSC)
AGO Legacy
Aleganym of undercommunities, xem ming from the orional indiocrcus populations who sced the net and to:-
bed civilization. They polewkberge ping SMS and (Sclance Techno oc; Erçincer rs, Mathematics, Sortul Transy, Econom iwlarifesting, emphseiding principles ike polerig mangerent. Like
aurancestars we> crear taming races prioritzгg nutrient density and
stainable ervoorertel sercitions through uganis nun,Join us as we anape heater huture tocather roctec Inancastral lacom and sustainable practices
AGO Opportunities
Akak Bat Fankathub for Paxos Fexti Chassenta aming all of the focal African Corexrity (GAL). It active ciltas arçeçementr the Mercing Goals Intists and the ABC Mevement through to civerse array of ovenfor The bat oppaatini sex aculliente comectin and weighs within our network
AGO Brain Bank
Ariels Jain Dark. registered suprem-pietemperter,adrinieterz Ita Mending Gaas litative as a subliebenet carport or whhis tris inhlatha we manage donor-advised funds and extend feel spereurship sonralar rangarvert werdina nan a atramanzatlan (tha naal sporaat provide a mineret ve support and oversight to another organization or project the spen sorad proje) lacking hanx akawa anas Adda’s Amin Bark operare similarly a the traits cles which we as segments. Just so the cbes eie bran have dicunt functions that contribue To awwal brain ‘action and behavio, the segments of Afieds Rain Rak soceric purposes with the organzation
AGO: PlantaToken
AGU Hans token represents a pered yin shiftsgrill restent by sowarting ownership or astment inamlad into italokna, AGO Plan Token offere frections carenship and investment in the farm and sell. The in novative approach arablas incluicuals to parrepte agricutura Investment without the traditional series of capital and expertise.