Our Pillars
In GA society, MGs' socialpillars provide vitalsupport and services.
Emphasizing renewable giving, MG ensures ongoing support to create opportunities for its social pillars. These pillars serve the community by initiating programs targeting critical needs like education, healthcare, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability. By identifying areas of concern and collaborating with local entities, MG implements impactful projects, aiming for lasting change and sustainable development in the lives of individuals and communities.
Empowering Social Pillars through Renewable Giving

How the economic machine works for “WLB-YOU“
The economy functions akin to a machine, where the quality of resources determines Economic Machine its performance, much like using unleaded gasoline versus premium fuel in an engine. When resources run dry, just as with oil in an engine, individuals face a decline into a lifelong poverty cycle if access diminishes.
At Mending Goals workshops, we teach participants and mentors collaboration strategies to overcome economic challenges and persevere.

The economy functions akin to a machine, where the quality of resources determines its performance, much like using unleaded gasoline versus premium fuel in an engine. When resources run dry, just as with oil in an engine, individuals face a decline into a lifelong poverty cycle if access diminishes.
At Mending Goals workshops, we teach participants and mentors collaboration strategies to overcome economic challenges and persevere.
How the economic machine works for "WLB-YOU"
Monitoring and feedback
Focused on innovative solutions
Close monitoring and clear evaluation of the projects will allow you to report concrete results back to your stakeholders, while creating a space for reflection to understand what might have gone wrong and whether there is space for improvement.
Strong partnership
Productive cooperation
There is no doubt that productive cooperation between an NGO and a business can be demanding. However, when done right, strong partnerships will bring larger benefits for companies and achieve far more long-term and tangible results for the charity and for wider society.
Strong results
Stakeholders involved
Charityfy work have a lot in common with doing business: goals have to be set and results evaluated. By doing so, you can learn more about what you are achieving and whether there is room for betterment in the delivery of effective and meaningful change.